Sunday, March 8, 2015

"If the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?

So often we don't think about beauty on the exterior and interior as one of the same. We say how some people are beautiful on the outside but not the inside and vice versa. But what if we combined the two?

Everything you say to a person is just as important as your actions towards them. Do you respect them or do you let your dislike overpower that? Do you play the common two-faced act and talk rudely behind someone's back after just nicely talking with them?

At times, we all feel that our words don't always matter and that we can sometimes pretend as if they weren't said at all. But if our words are just as important as our actions, why would we think that? It's not like we think that we can pretend we didn't act a certain way even as much as we wish we could. We simply can't change things that have already happened. You can fix them but you surely can't change them.

As a way to think more about what you say, would those words affect your exterior beauty? Would they turn it into something ugly or into something even more beautiful? Some people sneer at always being nice to people, but did you realize it can change your whole perspective in an instant? From my own experience, not only will more people want to talk to you, but it'll make you feel better about yourself. As the practice becomes more natural overtime, you'll realize that even your thoughts will be less negative and you'll develop into a more beautifully-minded pleasing person. It'll put you in better moods and will prevent you from getting angry or irritated by others as often as before. It's all really just a chain reaction.

So think about it, "if the words you spoke appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?"

(Sorry for no new post yesterday, 'twas quite a busy day)

-The Crunchy Granola Nut
©The Crunchy Granola Nut

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