Saturday, March 21, 2015

A New Adventure for the Crunchy Granola Nut

Today I had the experience of trying my very first body barre class (uses a ballet barre). Now let me tell you, you don't have to be a taking a pure barre class right away to feel some muscle strengthening and toning. For those of you who are unaware of what this is, body barre is a new exercise that is greatly gaining popularity. It combines the movements of dance and Pilates to create a new fun workout.

For me, I have a long background of dance, so I was quite comfortable throughout the class. But this post is in no means to discourage someone, only to encourage.

As my friend and I traveled to the studio, we had not much of an idea of what to expect other than it will be hard but hopefully not too bad. The class started with warming up in the center and upbeat music that that only encourages you to get moving. After that the barres got pulled out and it was really time to get started.

Plié. Going back to my long background of dance, just the sound of this ballet term gave me excitement. I haven't heard it said in such a long time that I knew I was in for a treat. About the first half an hour was all legwork. Boy, my legs were shaking a little after but it sure felt good. But that could also be because I find pride in being fit and love a good workout. After that it was time to take on arms and abs. Still tiring but only gaining motivation the entire time. I had no idea chest presses would make my arms so tired or rather, I never realized that my triceps would get so tired because of it. After it all, the class winds down to end peacefully.

Personally, my first class was a success and I can't wait to go back next week.

While being used to yoga and meditation, this will become a very pleasant addition to my weekly schedule. Since it is the second day of spring, why not think of trying out something new?

-The Crunchy Granola Nut

©The Crunchy Granola Nut


  1. ya you're friend seemed very inexperienced 😉😉 if she make it through anyone can

  2. It's all about the enjoyment(:
