Wednesday, September 9, 2015

For Happiness

Changes are as predictable as they are unpredictable. We never exactly know what something will change into. We don't know if something will change into something completely different, or it may only evolve into something slightly different. What we do know, changes are bound to happen no matter what. It's a way of life.

Recently, I've gone through quite a few changes, with most of them being big changes. Some I expected in some way in some form, others I subconsciously expected. Some were automatically deemed as good while others were first deemed as a hardship. But, that all depends on how you look at them. Life is full of obstacles, why let one change stop you?

Change makes room for opportunities. Yes, some opportunities we are lucky enough to be given more than once. More often than not, they're not. We have to take them as they come to us. Life is about risk. That first step was a risk, wasn't it? It's interesting how willing infants and toddlers are to take risks while adults are so stubborn not to. Is this where we let anxiety get to us? Our minds making up scenarios upon scenarios in our heads as to how a situation could go wrong? Do we forget about all the things that can go right? Usually, there will be more right than wrong. We just have grown blind to it.

We let the idea of anxiousness get to us and then let fear take over. What kind of life is that? Let me put it clearly, there's no risks in that kind of life. As one of my favorite fortune cookies has said, "Fear is just excitement in need of an attitude adjustment." It should be clear to us that infants don't need that attitude adjustment. It's all us grown adults that do.

Look at it this way, by taking risks, infants are constantly learning and letting their minds grow. In the end, taking risks in life is the same as taking a risk on that pb & j sandwich of yours. Maybe it's time to try strawberry jelly instead of grape jelly, or vice versa. Mistakes are bound to happen, but that's how we learn. That's how we grow and develop our personality and even our own well-being.

Each of us is given strictly one life. Why waste it away? For all of you that say you need to live life to its fullest, risks are involved. Make the best out of it. Find that comfort zone and cross it. Embrace the changes that are out of your control, and even the ones that are within your grasp. Live the way life should be lived.

-The Crunchy Granola Nut
©The Crunchy Granola Nut

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