Wednesday, August 26, 2015

To New Beginnings

"May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace"

As summer has come to a close, a new journey begins. This is the time you have for reflections. Was your summer satisfying? Did you accomplish anything? Did you reach any goals? Did you travel somewhere new and learn about a new culture? Did you make a life-change? Did you have that adventure you've been waiting to have? Or did you simply finally have the time to relax? Well, time's up and now it's to see if you filled your summer with worthwhile things. Despite the reflections, it's no time to dwell on what could have been. It's only a time to realize what you could have done differently or what you'd still like to do. 

Fill up your mind with new goals and wishes and let them be unleashed during this fast-coming fall. Some of us may have school and others going back to work, but don't let that stop you from the good habits you formed over the warm season. Embrace what is new and let go of the old just like the surrounding trees and the rest of Mother Nature are soon starting to do. 

This fall is a start of a new "year." Look at it and treat it as such. Let it hold promises that will become reality. Let it hold peace that will give you a new perspective. 

For me, this fall means a new home, a new daily routine, new work, and new people. These are no obstacles but mere bumps in the path I desire to take. I will not let it phase me and neither should you. Always, without a doubt, take the opportunities that luckily have come your way. 

Push on and never be the one to get in your own way.

-The Crunchy Granola Nut

P.S. I know posts have been lacking for quite some time but I overly enjoyed my vacation away from technology and even some parts of society. But, I'm back with many, many ideas stuck in this head of mine. Enjoy what's to come!

©The Crunchy Granola Nut


  1. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Best of luck, Erin! I miss you already but I know you'll flourish in college/Boston. See you when you come home <3

  2. Thank you so much Kate! I miss you too but I'm sure I'll see you soon enough<3
