Sunday, October 4, 2015

Value Your Ideas

               Pet-peeves are a reflection of our values. Rather, they show our values by highlighting our frustration when a value of ours is threatened. Ever since I can remember, I have had strong feelings about the concept of respect. It is not something that is necessarily given, but is not necessarily earned either. Yes, when respect is given, it should certainly be returned. Yet, going against this idea, I have often noticed throughout my years at schools, adults do not always start with giving respect. They see it as something that has to be earned, and until they see that earning to be fit, they do not give it. It may even be that they see one child act out and then they decide to treat all children the same. What good does that do? For me, that has made me outraged and it would almost seem fitting to disrespect someone that has automatically disrespected me only because of the fact that I am just another child. Respect is something I strongly value. It is something I give to someone until I find some real reason not to. There is never a reason to automatically be rude or inconsiderate.
            Displayed through another pet-peeve, I value optimism. So often I hear or see people being negative. Why? I see it as something that is stunting their life. Sometimes optimism can be over-played or over-done, yet the consequences are more often than not, not as major as the ones resulting from pessimism. Optimism leads to happiness and even to our own well-being. Being pessimistic only leads to more negativity, influencing everything about a person. Their mood, thoughts, actions, and health all become affected in a negative manner. That one cheerful comment instead of another complaint can make a huge difference. It is something simple yet so hard for some. I am lucky enough to be a person to notice the importance of positivity and I make sure as often as possible that it plays a major role in my life. Whether it is sharing the idea of positivity with others in general, or getting someone to change their mindset from feeling down to thinking up, I try to do what I can. Each effort matters and can make a difference. It is when the idea of optimism is lost is when the effort is lost.
            Branching off from the ideas of respect and optimism, I value tolerance. While many people find negativity in their own life, they find the need to bring it to others’ lives. Nowadays, someone cannot say their opinion without being criticized. At times it is good to question others, especially when trying to understand their view and why it may seem logical to them and why it could become logical to us. Yet, there are times when people do not question others but insult their opinion, thinking only theirs are right. An opinion is an opinion for a reason. They are subjective and different for everyone, no matter how like-minded two people may be. Now, more than ever, people are sharing their opinions as impactful changes are happening worldwide. We, as people, need to branch out and be mindful of all those opinions. We have to be open to multiple perspectives and realize that things can be accomplished in more than one way. The importance of respect comes back around with the idea of tolerance. Always living in a cultural diverse place, I have learned how important it is to respect others and to recognize that those other perspectives are always there.
            Beyond the idea of pet-peeves causing a reflection of our own values, our individual actions speak just as loudly. Whenever someone tells me what to do in a condescending way, my stubbornness shines through stronger than ever. In this sense, I have come to realize how much I have continued to value independence and freedom. Advice and help every now and then is important. But, being a young adult, I need to learn some things on my own, using my own way. I don’t want someone to be hovering over me, telling me what to do constantly along the way. I need to learn from my own mistakes, my own actions, my own thoughts, my own words. Most of the time, this can only be accomplished when one is independent. So, freedom is greatly valued. Not many things can be achieved when one is held back and restrained from what life has to offer. We each have our own path on our own journey, and we should treat it as such. 

What do you value?

-The Crunchy Granola Nut
©The Crunchy Granola Nut         

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